’s 2021 Service Directory’s 2021 Service Directory

We offer a map of the ETF ecosystem and contacts for every need to trade or launch ETFs.

Reviewed by: Heather Bell
Edited by: Heather Bell

Whether you are in search of a custodian, or looking to reach out to the issuer of an ETF you hold, you need look no further than the following links. has pulled together the contact information for readers to get in touch with the key players in the rich environment of issuers and service providers that characterizes the ETF space.

Looking to speak with an ETF issuer? There are more than 130 of them, and most of them have their contact information listed in our Issuers Directory.

Are you an issuer or advisor looking to contact someone who can help your firm? The ETF Industry Directory includes everyone from authorized participants to web designers.

Are you an issuer or a service provider? Reach out to us to update your information or—if you’re not already included—to add an entry.

We update the directories throughout the year, and periodically publish them in ETF Report. To make the next ETFR print deadline, please send any updates or new entries by Feb. 10, 2021 to Managing Editor Heather Bell at [email protected].


Contact Heather Bell at [email protected]

Heather Bell is a former managing editor of She has also held editorial positions at Dow Jones Indexes and Lehman Brothers. Bell is a graduate of Dartmouth college and resides in the Denver area with her two dogs.