'HEDJ' Assets Jump 25% In Latest Week, Total ETF Assets At $2T

WisdomTree's euro-hedged fund 'HEDJ' pulled in $1.8 billion, or more than one-fifth of its assets in the week ended Thursday, Jan. 29. Total U.S.-listed ETF assets ended above $2 trillion.

Reviewed by: etf.com Staff
Edited by: etf.com Staff


Top 10 Creations (All ETFs)

TickerNameNet Flows ($,mm)AUM ($, mm)AUM % Change
HEDJWisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity1,806.208,912.5225.42%
GLDSPDR Gold738.6530,922.992.45%
HYGiShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond683.2415,238.154.69%
VTIVanguard Total Stock Market664.9651,655.471.30%
JNKSPDR Barclays High Yield Bond504.2910,319.855.14%
VOOVanguard S&P 500451.4728,710.011.60%
XLVHealth Care Select SPDR410.5213,218.293.21%
USMViShares MSCI USA Minimum Volatility403.504,299.7510.36%
USOUnited States Oil353.642,169.1319.48%
DBEFDeutsche X-trackers MSCI EAFE Hedged Equity ETF339.723,009.5712.72%

Top 10 Redemptions (All ETFs)

TickerNameNet Flows ($,mm)AUM ($, mm)AUM % Change
TUSAFirst Trust Total US Market AlphaDEX0.000.000.00%
SPYSPDR S&P 500-6,431.77185,346.59-3.35%
XLFFinancial Select SPDR-862.1818,027.15-4.56%
BNDVanguard Total Bond Market-810.9926,114.72-3.01%
XLYConsumer Discretionary Select SPDR-711.528,703.33-7.56%
IWMiShares Russell 2000-691.1928,949.63-2.33%
IVViShares Core S&P 500-527.4868,389.97-0.77%
EWJiShares MSCI Japan-524.3613,543.84-3.73%
XLIIndustrial Select SPDR-482.758,319.39-5.48%
XLEEnergy Select SPDR-275.6611,264.18-2.39%

ETF Weekly Flows By Asset Class

 Net Flows ($, mm)AUM ($, mm)% of AUM
U.S. Equity -3,604.691,138,393.65-0.32%
International Equity 4,444.15436,073.281.02%
U.S. Fixed Income1,778.50294,530.640.60%
International Fixed Income-38.2124,238.84-0.16%
Asset Allocation319.505,620.705.68%

Top 10 Volume Surprises, Funds >$50 mm AUM

TickerNameAverage Volume
(30 Day)
1 Week Average
% of Average
LDURPIMCO Low Duration5,598152,845546.12%
JXIiShares Global Utilities145,8883,426,338469.72%
RXIiShares Global Consumer Discretionary90,2542,118,420469.44%
QABAFirst Trust NASDAQ ABA Community Bank46,477928,064399.36%
GRICohen & Steers Global Realty Majors11,561226,942392.61%
HEFAiShares Currency Hedged MSCI EAFE269,9874,791,756354.96%
GIISPDR S&P Global Infrastructure15,735275,525350.22%
HEZUiShares Currency Hedged MSCI EMU197,5393,398,243344.06%
KIESPDR S&P Insurance87,4041,377,877315.29%
MLPAGlobal X MLP167,5352,584,247308.50%

Top 10 Weekly Performers, Excluding Leverage/Inverse Funds and <1,000 Shares Traded

TickerNameWeekly PerformanceWeekly VolumeAUM ($, mm)
CVOLC-Tracks Citi Volatility ETN10.48%931,3808.12
KFYPKraneShares CSI New China7.29%2,7773.27
VIIXVelocityShares VIX Short Term ETN7.24%162,14511.63
VXXiPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN7.03%260,765,382841.48
SPGHETRACS S&P 500 Gold Hedged ETN5.83%36,71121.34
QEFASPDR MSCI EAFE Quality Mix5.14%1,0135.63
BTALQuantShares U.S. Market Neutral Anti-Beta4.92%34,4904.17
FUEELEMENTS MLCX Biofuels Total Return ETN4.66%2,1180.99
ICIiPath Optimized Currency Carry ETN4.60%3,1515.77
TANGuggenheim Solar4.32%1,521,636293.24

Bottom 10 Weekly Performers, Excluding Leverage/Inverse Funds and <1,000 Shares Traded

TickerNameWeekly PerformanceWeekly VolumeAUM ($, mm)
GAZiPath Dow Jones-UBS Natural Gas Total Return ETN-11.60%585,24313.30
USVETRACS CMCI Silver Total Return ETN-10.98%50,3578.94
SILJPureFunds ISE Junior Silver (Small Cap Miners/Explorers)-10.81%46,0075.28
GREKGlobal X FTSE Greece 20-10.14%6,363,161119.79
RSXMarket Vectors Russia-9.14%113,135,6621,396.79
JUNRGlobal X Junior Miners-8.55%9,7483.83
RBLSPDR S&P Russia-8.55%281,86327.28
GDXJMarket Vectors Junior Gold Miners-8.53%86,906,4241,918.96
DBSPowerShares DB Silver-8.33%25,34421.69
ERUSiShares MSCI Russia Capped-8.01%1,329,508224.47

Top 10 YTD Performers

TickerNameYTD PerformanceWeekly PerformanceAUM ($, mm)
DWTIVelocityShares 3X Inverse Crude Oil ETN60.5512.85111.09
NUGTDirexion Daily Gold Miners Bull 3X52.33-11.73812.41
SCOProShares UltraShort Bloomberg Crude Oil38.908.27241.53
DTOPowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN36.645.6782.51
INDLDirexion Daily India Bull 3X33.07-2.1199.67
DRNDirexion Daily Real Estate Bull 3x29.190.76188.42
JNUGDirexion Daily Junior Gold Miners Bull 3X24.98-26.38209.46
TMFDirexion Daily 20 Year Plus Treasury Bull 3x24.576.78117.87
LBNDPowerShares DB 3X Long 25+ Year Treasury Bond ETN23.485.9846.62
USLVVelocityShares 3X Long Silver ETN21.27-23.54118.47

Bottom 10 YTD Performers

TickerNameYTD PerformanceWeekly PerformanceAUM ($, mm)
UWTIVelocityShares 3X Long Crude Oil ETN-49.08-13.24258.71
DUSTDirexion Daily Gold Miners Bear 3X-45.749.31208.73
JDSTDirexion Daily Junior Gold Miners Bear 3X-40.0023.46101.70
GASLDirexion Daily Natural Gas Related Bull 3X Shares-36.53-9.6766.15
UCOProShares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil-34.23-8.70632.21
UGAZVelocityShares 3X Long Natural Gas ETN-28.39-15.18447.74
TAPRBarclays Inverse US Treasury Composite-26.43-5.3315.38
DSLVVelocityShares 3X Inverse Silver ETN-25.6223.2813.46
DRVDirexion Daily Real Estate Bear 3x-23.64-0.758.14
BARLMorgan Stanley S&P 500 Oil Hedged ETN-

Disclaimer: All data as of 6 a.m. Eastern time the date the article is published. Data is believed to be accurate; however, transient market data is often subject to subsequent revision and correction by the exchanges.

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