US Equities Gather Money, But Market Pulls Assets Down To $1.963T

Equities, led by U.S. strategies, pulled in $19 million in the week ended Thursday, Nov. 6, as total U.S.-listed ETF assets rose to $1.930 trillion.

Reviewed by: Staff
Edited by: Staff

Equities, led by U.S. strategies, pulled in $19 million in the week ended Thursday, Nov. 6, as total U.S.-listed ETF assets rose to $1.930 trillion.

Equities, led by U.S. strategies, pulled in $19 million in the week ended Thursday, Nov. 6, as total U.S.-listed ETF assets rose to $1.930 trillion.

Top 10 Creations (All ETFs)

TickerNameNet Flows ($,mm)AUM ($, mm)AUM % Change
IWMiShares Russell 20001,341.7428,154.765.00%
XLFFinancial Select SPDR716.8420,060.383.71%
IYFiShares U.S. Financials680.661,983.9252.23%
FXOFirst Trust Financials AlphaDEX532.071,175.1482.74%
BNDVanguard Total Bond Market462.9225,033.841.88%
VOOVanguard S&P 500420.4726,721.821.60%
HEDJWisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity348.925,160.447.25%
ACWIiShares MSCI ACWI287.287,540.723.96%
AGGiShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond285.4621,938.941.32%
EFAiShares MSCI EAFE265.0253,502.380.50%

Top 10 Redemptions (All ETFs)

TickerNameNet Flows ($,mm)AUM ($, mm)AUM % Change
SPYSPDR S&P 500-1,962.09195,623.90-0.99%
QQQPowerShares QQQ-1,696.0042,007.86-3.88%
EEMiShares MSCI Emerging Markets-728.7833,733.88-2.11%
SHViShares Short Treasury Bond-540.185,071.04-9.63%
FTSMFirst Trust Enhanced Short Maturity-504.34768.38-39.63%
EMBiShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond-433.944,456.22-8.87%
XLIIndustrial Select SPDR-242.609,380.00-2.52%
VXFVanguard Extended Market-194.303,590.85-5.13%
BKLNPowerShares Senior Loan-180.075,848.76-2.99%
EWHiShares MSCI Hong Kong-160.633,071.69-4.97%

ETF Weekly Flows By Asset Class

 Net Flows ($, mm)AUM ($, mm)% of AUM
U.S. Equity 3,427.051,120,909.650.31%
International Equity 157.33429,183.110.04%
U.S. Fixed Income -3.76280,352.34-0.00%
International Fixed Income -483.8423,677.68-2.04%
Asset Allocation72.775,279.001.38%

Top 10 Volume Surprises, Funds >$50 mm AUM

TickerNameAverage Volume
(30 Day)
1 Week Average
% of Average
FXOFirst Trust Financials AlphaDEX1,081,51226,188,945484.30%
FNCLFidelity MSCI Financials277,4475,831,749420.39%
GQREFlexShares Global Quality Real Estate9,517193,741407.14%
IHYMarket Vectors International High Yield Bond75,5771,521,022402.51%
BBRCEGShares Beyond BRICs260,9884,945,733379.00%
IPACiShares Core MSCI Pacific39,483717,361363.38%
DRWWisdomTree Global Ex-U.S. Real Estate20,771355,856342.66%
ESRiShares MSCI Emerging Markets Eastern Europe37,216625,508336.15%
IYFiShares U.S. Financials682,28411,358,041332.94%
DTYSiPath U.S. Treasury 10-Year Bear ETN48,887802,075328.13%

Top 10 Weekly Performers, Excluding Leverage/Inverse Funds and <1,000 Shares Traded

TickerNameWeekly PerformanceWeekly VolumeAUM ($, mm)
CVOLC-Tracks Citi Volatility ETN28.56%545,5878.40
EEHELEMENTS Linked to SPECTRUM Large Cap U.S. Momentum ETN22.42%18,3942.91
VIIXVelocityShares VIX Short Term ETN21.29%372,41011.74
VXXiPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN21.09%254,800,8741,352.10
VIXYProShares VIX Short-Term20.84%7,482,044141.83
VIXMProShares VIX Mid-term9.71%192,38236.20
VXZiPath S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN9.68%5,324,49967.24
VIIZVelocityShares VIX Mid Term ETN5.17%1,7041.72
SPGHETRACS S&P 500 Gold Hedged ETN4.82%5,00020.27
USVETRACS CMCI Silver Total Return ETN4.18%5,3539.41

Bottom 10 Weekly Performers, Excluding Leverage/Inverse Funds and <1,000 Shares Traded

TickerNameWeekly PerformanceWeekly VolumeAUM ($, mm)
GREKGlobal X FTSE Greece 20-20.48%2,213,856104.78
RSXMarket Vectors Russia-13.16%64,046,1731,627.48
MLPYMorgan Stanley Cushing MLP High Income ETN-13.14%456,26137.20
ERUSiShares MSCI Russia Capped-12.63%2,091,303207.99
ICOLiShares MSCI Colombia Capped-12.47%11,12415.00
RBLSPDR S&P Russia-12.40%163,12519.39
GXGGlobal X MSCI Colombia-12.39%587,24670.34
YMLPYorkville High Income MLP-12.32%2,862,363249.95
RSXJMarket Vectors Russia Small-Cap-12.24%474,16055.78
ENYGuggenheim Canadian Energy Income-11.88%156,84927.06

Top 10 YTD Performers

TickerNameYTD PerformanceWeekly PerformanceAUM ($, mm)
EEHELEMENTS Linked to SPECTRUM Large Cap U.S. Momentum ETN277.6222.422.91
RUSSDirexion Daily Russia Bear 3X194.3846.7338.07
DWTIVelocityShares 3X Inverse Crude Oil ETN178.9736.0125.85
ITLTPowerShares DB 3X Italian Treasury Bond Futures ETN152.5845.8233.12
DRNDirexion Daily Real Estate Bull 3x105.071.92100.89
SCOProShares UltraShort Bloomberg Crude Oil102.6922.77159.72
DTOPowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN98.0021.3470.23
SOXLDirexion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3X93.25-5.83166.86
DDPPowerShares DB Commodity Short ETN92.504.742.41
CUREDirexion Daily Healthcare Bull 3x91.27-1.70257.42

Bottom 10 YTD Performers

TickerNameYTD PerformanceWeekly PerformanceAUM ($, mm)
GASLDirexion Daily Natural Gas Related Bull 3X Shares-89.38-33.8939.45
RUSLDirexion Daily Russia Bull 3X-87.09-35.8484.74
JNUGDirexion Daily Junior Gold Miners Bull 3X-80.95-13.10196.54
UWTIVelocityShares 3X Long Crude Oil ETN-77.42-29.4735.70
JDSTDirexion Daily Junior Gold Miners Bear 3X-70.5010.3169.80
CVOLC-Tracks Citi Volatility ETN-64.7028.568.40
SOXSDirexion Daily Semiconductor Bear 3X-63.335.2824.13
UCOProShares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil-59.90-20.05344.26
TVIXVelocityShares Daily 2X VIX Short Term ETN-59.8740.00455.63
UGAZVelocityShares 3X Long Natural Gas ETN-59.54-0.45588.51

Disclaimer: All data as of 6 a.m. Eastern time the date the article is published. Data is believed to be accurate; however, transient market data is often subject to subsequent revision and correction by the exchanges. is the single source for ETF intelligence. We provide real-time ETF news and analysis to educate investors and drive financial knowledge in the space. Our personalized and accurate information, alongside industry-leading financial tools, are depended upon to develop winning investment and financial decisions. At, we strive to serve both the individual investor as well as the professional financial advisor to educate and grow the ETF community.
