JP Morgan Takes a Deep Dive Into ETFs With New Guide
Jon Maier, chief ETF strategist at JP Morgan Asset Management, says ETF data and education are priorities.
In this episode of Advisor Insider, we talk with Jon Maier, chief ETF strategist at JP Morgan Asset Management, about the new Guide to ETFs and how JP Morgan plans to have a bigger influence on ETF data and education.
The guide, which will be updated quarterly, is made up of a combination of market data and trends, and ETF education aimed at investors and financial advisors of all levels, Maier said.
Among the findings in the guide, which is separated into six sections, is the growing appeal of active management that represents 30% of inflows this year while making up just 8% of total ETF assets.
Maier also talks about the roll ETFs play in the broader markets, such as the fact ETFs over the past 15 years have represented an average of 28% of overall exchange volume.
“The volume increases as volatility increases,” he said. “That shows how ETFs act as a shock absorber, providing liquidity and price discovery.”