Barclays Finalizes 50 ETN Closures

Shutdowns represent the largest number of closures to take place all at once.

Reviewed by: Staff
Edited by: Staff

Yesterday saw the closure of 50 iPath ETNs, as Barclays continued the revamp of its ETN offering. The list includes a bevy of commodity products, 16 of which have seen replacements already launch earlier this year.

The number of closures is the largest swathe of products that the ETF industry has seen shut down all at once. It brings the total number of closures so far this year to 70 shutdowns.

The closed ETNs are as follows:


iPath MSCI India Index ETNINP
iPath Asian & Gulf Currency Revaluation ETNPGD
iPath CBOE S&P 500 BuyWrite Index ETNBWV
iPath EUR/USD Exchange Rate ETNERO
iPath GBP/USD Exchange Rate ETNGBB
iPath GEMS Asia 8 ETNAYT
iPath Global Carbon ETNGRN
iPath Inverse S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETNXXV
iPath JPY/USD Exchange Rate ETNJYN
iPath Long Enhanced MSCI EAFE Index ETNMFLA
iPath Long Enhanced MSCI Emerging Markets Index ETNEMLB
iPath Long Extended Russell 1000 TR Index ETNROLA
iPath Long Extended Russell 2000 TR Index ETNRTLA
iPath Long Extended S&P 500 TR Index ETNSFLA
iPath Optimized Currency Carry ETNICI
iPath Pure Beta Agriculture ETNDIRT
iPath Pure Beta Aluminum ETNFOIL
iPath Pure Beta Cocoa ETNCHOC
iPath Pure Beta Coffee ETNCAFE
iPath Pure Beta Copper ETNCUPM
iPath Pure Beta Cotton ETNCTNN
iPath Pure Beta Energy ETNONG
iPath Pure Beta Grains ETNWEET
iPath Pure Beta Industrial Metals ETNHEVY
iPath Pure Beta Lead ETNLEDD
iPath Pure Beta Livestock ETNLSTK
iPath Pure Beta Nickel ETNNINI
iPath Pure Beta Precious Metals ETNBLNG
iPath Pure Beta Softs ETNGRWN
iPath Pure Beta Sugar ETNSGAR
iPath Pure Beta S&P GSCI-Weighted ETNSBV
iPath Seasonal Natural Gas ETNDCNG
iPath Inverse S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures ETNIVOP
iPath Bloomberg Agriculture Subindex Total Return ETNJJA
iPath Bloomberg Aluminum Subindex Total Return ETNJJU
iPath Bloomberg Coffee Subindex Total Return ETNJO
iPath Bloomberg Copper Subindex Total Return ETNJJC
iPath Bloomberg Cotton Subindex Total Return ETNBAL
iPath Bloomberg Energy Subindex Total Return ETNJJE
iPath Bloomberg Grains Subindex Total Return ETNJJG
iPath Bloomberg Industrial Metals Subindex Total Return ETNJJM
iPath Bloomberg Livestock Subindex Total Return ETNCOW
iPath Bloomberg Nickel Subindex Total Return ETNJJN
iPath Bloomberg Platinum Subindex Total Return ETNPGM
Bloomberg Precious Metals Subindex Total Return ETNJJP
iPath Bloomberg Softs Subindex Total Return ETNJJS
iPath Bloomberg Sugar Subindex Total Return ETNSGG
iPath Bloomberg Tin Subindex Total Return ETNJJT
iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return ETNOIL



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