ETF Working Lunch: Why Subadvisors Are Rock Stars

Joining us is Amrita Nandakumar, president of Vident Investment Advisory. 

Reviewed by: ETF Working Lunch
Edited by: ETF Working Lunch

ETF subadvisors connect a lot of dots within the ETF ecosystem to ensure that an ETF goes smoothly from original idea to trading desks to investor portfolios. Amrita Nandakumar, president of Vident Investment Advisory and subadvisor to nearly 50 ETFs, shares her experience in this space (and says they are ready for crypto ETFs!).  


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ETF Working Lunch: Our biweekly podcast where writers and analysts discuss the latest news and most important trends in ETFs with some of the smartest women in the business. It’s a fun and insight-packed gathering of ladies who work through lunch! You can also listen to it on SpotifyiTunes and Google.
