Thematic ETFs Issuer Debuts by Sparking Fee War

Investment strategist Taylor Krystkowiak details how the new issuer plans to capture share in the thematic space.

Reviewed by: Staff
Edited by: Kent Thune
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The December launch of seven thematic ETFs checked the first box of new issuers by setting fees low. The next step will be finding out how well the market welcomes the innovation across the thematic offerings.

In this episode of Exchange Traded Fridays, Themes ETFs vice president and investment strategist Taylor Krystkowiak talks with wealth management editor Jeff Benjamin about how the company was created and where it is heading in the context of a recent market environment that hasn’t been the best for thematic ETFs.

Spoiler alert: Don’t be fooled by the name because Themes ETFs has designs to go above and beyond just thematic strategies.

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