The Power of Indexes: Comparing Diversified Portfolios of Index Funds with Portfolios of Actively Managed Funds

The Power of Indexes: Comparing Diversified Portfolios of Index Funds with Portfolios of Actively Managed Funds

There is significant research comparing the performance of actively managed funds with their index counterparts within single markets. However, investors ultimately need to assemble these single markets into diversified portfolios to achieve their investment objectives.
Reviewed by: Staff
Edited by: Staff

There is significant research comparing the performance of actively managed funds with their index counterparts within single markets. However, investors ultimately need to assemble these single markets into diversified portfolios to achieve their investment objectives.

Hear leading low-cost index fund investing expert Rick Ferri and Nasdaq OMX Global Indexes Head of Research David Krein as they discussed the findings of Ferri’s latest study on the relative performance of diversified portfolios of index funds with portfolios of actively managed funds. The detailed findings of Ferri’s white paper can be found in the January/February issue of Journal of Indexes. This 60-minute webinar brings these findings to life with an interactive Q&A directly with the author.

Additional topics covered include:

  • The basis for the study, and what investors need to take away from it
  • The truth behind actively managed fund diversification
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