
Sectors Drilldown

Sector Drill-Down lists enable users to plot performance of U.S.-issued ETF tickers that are modeled on S&P 500 sectors (11) and industries (19).

Sector Drill-Down lists enable users to plot performance of U.S.-issued ETF tickers that are modeled on S&P 500 sectors (11) and industries (19).


Markets Monitor provides financial advisors/investors a broad view on how various asset classes are relatively performing, including market indices, equity sectors, global markets, fixed income, commodities and aggregate classifications, e.g., Equity Factors. As an investor in ETFs in particular, I want to be able to uncover opportunities in these markets and directly invest in those using ETFs as a liquid and investable proxy of purposeful groupings of assets. 

The Markets Monitor page represents the overall market trends by including a representative ticker within each asset subclass. The ticker selected to represent each asset subclass is typically the one that best mirrors the market index of the subclass and has the highest AUM.

On Markets Monitor, a user may observe uptrends and downtrends in each market subclass over selectable periods of time. A user may choose to look at articles related to these assets to understand the trends better, or to augment/modify their ETF portfolio/models to exploit such trends. by adding tickers to portfolio. A user could also look at other ETFs in the same asset type by exploring further in the Screener tool.

The Markets Monitor summary page provides a top-level snapshot of each market, e.g., for Global Markets, there are summary categories: broad, emerging, frontier, as well as some specific market tickers. In the corresponding Drill Down page, all major markets in each continent are covered. The Drill Down page also provides color-coded, performance ranking of losers and gainers within each sub-class within the Drill down Asset class. 

News selections on this page pertain to the tickers selected on this page and display on the performance plot. If no tickers are selected, then News articles may relate to all the listed tickers. Once selections are made, the content sorts first to the ticker selections that are made.

Yes, once selections are made, click "Save" above the performance chart. When you return to the page in future sessions, these selections will be displayed by default. To save selections, the user must be registered and logged in. If changes are made and "Save" is clicked again, then the new selections will become the session default.