Daily ETF Watch: New Smart Beta Fund Debuts

Daily ETF Watch: New Smart Beta Fund Debuts

Arrow Investment Advisors launches self-indexed ETF targeting three factors.

Reviewed by: Heather Bell
Edited by: Heather Bell

Arrow Investment Advisors added a third fund to its ETF lineup with today’s rollout of a self-indexed smart-beta fund.


The Arrow QVM Equity Factor ETF (QVM) is based on an in-house equal-weighted index that selects its components based on the exposure they provide to the quality, value and momentum factors. According to Arrow, the quality factor adds a defensive twist to the fund, while the momentum and value factors allow QVM to capture upside performance.


The 50-stock index was co-developed with Ford Equity Research and relies on six different metrics—including profitability, earnings, dividend yield, share buybacks, valuation and long-term price performance—to capture the three factors it targets.


QVM is listed on the NYSE Arca exchange and comes with an expense ratio of 0.65 percent.


Deutsche Takes Over PowerShares DB ETN Family

Deutsche Bank and PowerShares have a lot of ties to sort out as their co-branding agreement comes to an end. Yesterday, we reported on the closures of six ETNs marketed under the PowerShares DB label and a creations freeze for 11 PowerShares DB ETFs while they were transferred over to PowerShares. However, those aren't the only changes.


Another 26 ETNs marketed by PowerShares under the PowerShares DB name will continue to trade, but they are no longer marketed by PowerShares and have dropped the "PowerShares" brand, keeping only the "DB." For example, the PowerShares DB Gold Double Long ETN has been renamed the DB Gold Double Long ETN (DGP). The funds have also kept their original tickers.


The 26 affected ETNs are predominantly commodity funds, but others cover U.S. Treasury bonds and foreign bonds. All but six offer some sort of leveraged or inverse exposure to their underlying indexes.


DGP is by far the largest of the ETNs, with nearly $150 million in assets under management. Most of the ETNs on the list have $50 million or less in assets.


The list of renamed funds and their tickers is below.


New Brand NameTicker
DB Gold Double Short ETN DZZ 
DB Gold Double Long ETN DGP 
DB Gold Short ETN DGZ 
DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN DTO 
DB Crude Oil Short ETN SZO 
DB Crude Oil Long ETN OLO 
DB 3x Short 25+ Year Treasury Bond ETN SBND 
DB 3x Long 25+ Year Treasury Bond ETN LBND 
DB 3x German Bund Futures ETN BUNT 
DB German Bund Futures ETN BUNL 
DB 3x Japanese Govt Bond Futures ETN JGBT 
DB Japanese Govt Bond Futures ETN JGBL 
DB 3x Inverse Japanese Govt Bond Futures ETN JGBD 
DB Inverse Japanese Govt Bond Futures ETN JGBS 
DB Agriculture Double Short ETN AGA 
DB Agriculture Double Long ETN DAG 
DB Agriculture Short ETN ADZ 
DB Agriculture Long ETN AGF 
DB Base Metals Double Short ETN BOM 
DB Base Metals Double Long ETN BDD 
DB Base Metals Short ETN BOS 
DB Base Metals Long ETN BDG 
DB Commodity Double Short ETN DEE 
DB Commodity Double Long ETN DYY 
DB Commodity Short ETN DDP 
DB Commodity Long ETN DPU 


Heather Bell is a former managing editor of etf.com. She has also held editorial positions at Dow Jones Indexes and Lehman Brothers. Bell is a graduate of Dartmouth college and resides in the Denver area with her two dogs.