Hot Reads: What’s Wrong With Corporate Bond ETFs?
Plus, why the efforts to ban ESG make no sense.
The Inherent Flaws of Corporate Bond ETFs (Financial Times)
The investment vehicle presents a worrying systemic vulnerability.
The Crusade to Ban ESG Makes No Sense (Jackson Hole Economics)
The efforts reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of free-market capitalism.
Here’s Proof Stocks Were Never an Inflation Hedge (Institutional Investor)
Credit Suisse says investors are relearning the law of risk and return, and advises them to adjust their future expectations accordingly.
Foreigners Exit Turkey ETF at Fastest Rate Since 2021 (Bloomberg)
Investors are fleeing the iShares MSCI Turkey ETF (TUR) in droves.
The 7 Greatest Asset Bubbles of All Time (Of Dollars & Data)
A thorough look at the dynamics of what makes a bubble.
Understanding the Riskiness of Corporate Assets Is Critical (Disciplined Systematic Global Macro Views)
A recent paper evaluates the risks around corporate assets, meaning equities and bonds, from a holistic perspective.
Across-the-Board Losses for Major Asset Classes Last Week (The Capital Spectator)
U.S. high-yield debt had the softest landing, while REITs were the hardest hit.
Does Long-Term Investing Work Outside of the US? (A Wealth of Common Sense)
The U.S. has a slim lead with regard to annual returns relative to the rest of the world.
The Inside Story of How Wellington and Vanguard Became Partners (Institutional Investor)
In an excerpt from his most recent book, Charles Ellis writes about one of the founding tales of the asset management industry—and why it still matters.