ETF Explainer: MILN

A look at an ETF tracking millennial consumer habits.

Reviewed by: Heather Bell
Edited by: Heather Bell
Global X Millennials Thematic ETF

Each month, we look at an ETF selected by based on its performance and importance to investors. This month, we consider the performance of the $31.82 million Global X Millennials Thematic ETF (MILN), which tracks the consumer habits of the largest age cohort since the baby boomers. All the companies mentioned below are holdings in MILN unless otherwise noted.



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DEC 15 Costco beats first-quarter analyst expectations for profit and revenue as its online commerce ventures begin to pay off. Online sales rise 42% quarter-over-quarter.

FEB 1 PayPal’s stock price plunges after beating fourth-quarter sales and profit expectations when eBay announces it will no longer use the firm as its primary checkout partner.

APR 18 Amazon announces it has more than 100 million subscribers to its Amazon Prime service, beating the number of Costco’s members and subscribers.

JUN 12 J.P. Morgan raises its price estimate for Twitter on increasing confidence in the company’s ability to attract advertisers, partly due to double-digit growth in its daily average users.

OCT 11 A steep decline across the technology sector sends shares of Intuit plummeting during a tumultuous month for the market.

NOV 8 After reporting record revenues at the start of the month, Starbucks reveals its plan for expansion in Japan, including hundreds of new stores.

Source: Bloomberg. Data for 11/30/2017 to 11/30/2018.


Heather Bell is a former managing editor of She has also held editorial positions at Dow Jones Indexes and Lehman Brothers. Bell is a graduate of Dartmouth college and resides in the Denver area with her two dogs. 
